Thursday, February 26, 2009

trip to Tucson

I made a trip to Tucson on Tuesday afternoon and Evan and I stayed home while Mandy took
this poor little pink cheeked feverish child to see the doctor
about this angry looking rash which turned out to be roseola. He has had a miserable few days but seems to be feeling quite a bit better now. We even made a little visit to the zoo before I came home tonight.
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Ana said...

Poor little Brazey!
I'm glad he's feeling better...
Tell Mandy that Xandar was asking to hang out with Evan and Brock. =] Maybe next weekend, when everyone's better...
Drop a line while you're in town, Deb. I'm on Rodeo Vacation and have some time on my hands!!!

shy_smiley said...

I'm so relieved you came down to help care for the babes. But sorry I missed your visit.