Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lucky shopping day

Yesterday I met a friend from church for lunch. Being the superstitious (though I try to fight it) goof that I am, I saw a coin when I got out of my car at Desert Ridge. Subscribing to that "see a penny, pick it up" thing, I reached down to discover it was a nickel. So I thought maybe I'll have even more luck. Walked into Ross, on 10% off Tuesday for old ladies day of course, to find the purse I have been looking for for several months. It's the exact color of yellow I wanted, has compartments for many things, is somewhat shallow so things don't get lost. I was most pleased. Had a delicious lunch with lovely company at Zinc Bistro. Decided to break down and buy the shower curtain that I had been agonizing over at Anthropologie. When I paid for it, found it was 40% off. Whenever you receive an unexpected windfall such as this, my friend Miss Linder calls it lucky shopping day . And indeed, I had one.
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auntie m said...

I have a purse that exact color that I bought from a street vendor in NYC last year. I like the style of your purse better though. This year I bought a pair of leather sandals that color also.
Find a penny, pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck. I always pick up any change I see on the ground.

Momma_Dee said...

so where did you find the sandals?

shy_smiley said...

yay for lucky shopping day!

Miss Linder said...

Jodie was the originator of that phrase when we went shopping on her birthday (I think she was still in high school) and everything we bought was discounted more than we expected it to be. And so "lucky shopping day" was born.