Tuesday, November 09, 2010

aw, shucks

After church on Sunday, I went to Anthropologie thinking to see the wonderful Christmas decorations. Well, this is it. I actually walked right past this not even aware it was for Christmas. I guess the economy is really affecting things. There was one table of ornaments and none of them were the blow you away kind.
For the past month or so the old checkout island had been all shrouded in brown paper and cloth. I thought something spectacular was going on inside. Alas, it is this little crowded claustrophobic mark-down room. I hope this doesn't mean my lovely Anthro is on its way out.
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Miss Linder said...

I had a similar experience when I went to Anthro over the weekend. Did see a purse I desparately desire. :-)

auntie m said...

I don't even have an Anthro.