Monday, September 06, 2010

Linda and Deb do LA

My friend Linda and I recently flew over to LA for the day to check out the garment district. We landed at Burbank and actually walked down the steps at the rear of the plane. Not having done this in many a year, I found it kind of nostalgic.
The only fabric store we really enjoyed was Michael Levine where I managed to be reprimanded twice for taking pictures inside the store. Did buy some nifty pieces of fabric and anyone who knows me very well knows how desparately needed that was.
Just a typical shot of what we saw, lots of kind of sleazy fabrics blowing in the very hot breeze. Then when we had decided we had had enough, turning the wrong way delivered us to some wonderful and fun bead shopping. We had a very good day.
And LA is a great big freeway!
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shy_smiley said...

what cool day trips you take, Mama D

auntie m said...

Did you put a hundred down and rent a car? Looks like a fun day. I recently found deplaning down the steps to be nostaglic also and I know what it's like to be reprimanded in stores for taking photos.

Miss Linder said...

Yes, we did and we also know the way to San Jose.